Thursday, February 26, 2009

Marathon weekend in Malta

So far, the series of posts in this blog on how to run a marathon were written largely in parallel with my own progress towards the one that will take place this weekend in Malta. Before setting off to Malta I had been hoping to include a post about the last few days and including the event itself. It's already half written, but unfortunately I didn't manage to complete it. Too bad! It will have to wait till after my own marathon. Well, at least (I think) I know what I should and shouldn't do on the big day. Let's just hope I remember to apply this knowledge correctly, and that the recommendations I write down on how best to tackle the marathon itself will be a close reflection of what I will actually do myself this Sunday 1 March.

Good luck to those readers of this post who will be doing the half or the full marathon this Sunday, and thanks to many friends and colleagues and most of all to my family for all your support. It's truly very much appreciated!

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