Monday, August 18, 2008


For various reasons, foremost among which is the user-unfriendliness of the blog provider I have been using for the past three years or so, I have decided to try out this one. It takes a long time to set up, but even the fact that each time I hit a key I see the corresponding character immediately come up on the screen is already a huge improvement.

I had been considering a migration (or even running two blog spaces at the same time, one for everything and this one for commentary in my native Maltese language), but I had developed my first blog space so much that I simply couldn't let it go.

Finally I've decided to set up this trial blog space. I'll be experimenting and exploring for a while. If all goes well, I'll link both spaces, and start adding all my new material here. It's a pity, actually, because I'm very happy with the way my first blog has turned out. But I have a feeling this "blogspot" is much more user friendly.

Let's see how it goes.

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