Sunday, October 19, 2008

Quo vadis, Juventus?

Article 1
"We" means Juventus.
Article 2
State of Play

After seven matches, we have already picked up two defeats, following on from two draws, and just two wins. From the last four matches, we have gained a grand total of 2 points. In seven matches, our points tally is 9 points, on a par with Lecce. Above us, one can find footballing giants of the calibre of Catania, Atalanta, Udinese, Napoli and Genoa. For the third week running, our glorious name is gracing the bottom half of the table.

Article 3

The Coach

1. At the beginning of this season, coach Claudio Ranieri blurted out what he thought was a daring statement. "La parola scudetto non è un tabù." Winning the championship is not forbidden.
2. This statement was more revealing than anything else he might have said, anything he's doing, or whatever he will (probably never) achieve. Caro Mister, per la Juve lo scudetto non è mai un tabù, ma è un obbligo! The very reason for the existence of Juventus is so that they win trophies. For Juve, the runner-up position is considered a failure. But, quite clearly, the man is unaware of this fact, and that he's no longer coaching any ordinary Fiorentina, Udinese or Sampdoria. Josè Mourinho, in his inimitable way, highlighted this when he remarked about Ranieri: "He's almost seventy. He's hardly ever won anything. It's too late for him to change now."
Article 4
The Players
The Juve line-up nowadays includes such "stars" as Molinaro, Knezevic, Grygera, Salihamidzic. It regularly features Del Piero and Nedved, who are now well past their expiry date. Most of our best players are out injured, and their substitutes are hardly fit to play in any Serie A team.
Article 5
The Management
With the passage of time, we are beginning to look evermore like Inter used to be a few years in the past. Countless names of unknown foreign players are continuously bandied about as potential new recruits, supposedly to boost the team. And the string of successive years without any victory becomes ever longer.
Article 6
Future Prospects
1. Overall: bleak.
2. Short term - Champions League against Real Madrid this Tuesday. Dear God, please help us!
3. Medium term - if we're lucky we'll avoid relegation this season, unlike Milan in the early 80s, when they dropped back to Serie B, through the results of normal play, a couple of years after having been forced to play there due to the "calcioscommesse" scandal.
4. Long term - I fear a repeat of the post-1986 black period for Juve. This was a nine-year drought characterised by the following names (to mention just a few) - Rino Marchesi, Gigi Maifredi, Magrin, Galia, Ian Rush, Zavarov, Aleynikov, Alessio, Blanchard...


Anonymous said...

Tanto tempo che non ci sentiamo.
Anche se sono milanista, ti capisco...... Mia moglie (non so se ti ricordi ... e juventina pure lei) e' pessimista quanto te sulle sorti della vecchia signora.
Per adesso rimango anonimo. (ma ti do qualche indizio)
Tanti Saluti a te e tua moglie S.,

Tonio Privitelli said...

Thanks for following my ramblings, dear friend. You've given me a good puzzle to think about during my upcoming holiday in Malta...!

Anonymous said...

Mi ricordo che ti piaciono l'indovinelli ......

Eccone un altro indizio.

Carissimi Saluti anche da mia moglie,

I. & C.

Tonio Privitelli said...

Grazie per i saluti, che controcambio. Comunque, non c'e' n'era bisogno, perche' S vi aveva gia' riconosciuti. Vi dico solo due parole, e ci si capira'. Three Barrels. Carissimi saluti, e speriamo proprio di rincontrarci presto! T & S

Anonymous said...

Kif intom ? Jekk gejjin Malta niltaqghu ? Dejjem jekk Cecilia ma tkunx imsiefra f'dawk il-granet !

Hemmhekk fejn qghedin, issbuh it-three barrels ta' veru. (Tafu li kienu ta' Franza harrkuh ghal copyright ta' l-isem.?)


Tonio Privitelli said...

Ħeħe, ma kontx nafha din l-istorja tat-Three Barrels. Ok aħna. Isma', tgħaddili waħda l-email tiegħek? Tiegħi

Cheers, Tonio