Monday, December 29, 2008


I promised I would shut up during the merry-making of Christmas and the new year. But I cannot shut up. Not while Israel and Hamas are pounding each other with rockets. Not when a madman dressed up as Santa Claus opened fire and killed nine in California. Not while, literally on top of such horrible news items, a Sunday paper wishes "a happy new year to all".

It would be so nice if it really turned out to be a happy year for everyone. But, apart from ill health and natural disasters, which can only be partially mitigated, people are inflicting untold hardship on each other through maniacal violence, aided in no small way by the weapons industry.

I've said it before, and I'll never stop saying it, unless the evil implements are eradicated from the face of the earth: there's no place in a civilised world for arms and weapons. Their only purpose is to kill people, and are therefore intrinsically immoral. The only justifiable possession of a weapon I can think of would be an immobiliser to be used in extreme and dangerous situations by the forces of law and order.

This should be one of the main aims of the world for the twenty-first century. Along with the eradication of hunger, disease, poverty and ignorance, we need to stamp out violence, and the instruments of violence. Disputes need to be reasoned, not fought. All weapons should be collected or handed in and destroyed. Possession of a weapon should be considered a serious crime. An international pact should be signed by all the nations of the world, that bans production, storage and use of all weapons. PEOPLE SHOULD FOR NO REASON NEED TO KILL EACH OTHER!

There. That's my wish for the new year. I know. I'm a hopeless idealist.

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