Thursday, December 18, 2008

A disastrous day for Maltese workers...

... it will no longer be possible for Maltese workers to be exploited by their employers, to be pressured to work "on a voluntary basis" for more than 48 hours per week:

But it seems Maltese workers don't care about enjoying time with their families after work. They don't care about having time for leisure, to improve their life-work balance, to do some sport, to take up an artistic activity, to enjoy nature, to read, go to the theatre, play with their children. No! All they care about is to work, work, work, long hours of overtime.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Just look at them...

Trade unions all over Europe are rejoicing at the decision by the European Parliament that forbids EU member states from opting out of a ceiling of 48 hours working time per week. But not Maltese trade unions, who want their members to work, work and work themselves silly. They don't campaign for decent wages. No, they want to make up for miserable salaries by working for indecently long hours. This is sheer exploitation, supported and requested by the exploited themselves!

By the way, 48 hours means 8 hours per weekday, plus another 8 hours on Saturday. So, it's not as if overtime is being banned at all.

Malta's "socialist" MEPs have shown the world their truly progressive outlook, by voting against the motion to limit the working week to a maximum of 48 hours. I wonder what they had to say to their European socialist colleagues by way of explanation. Did they take up the Chamber of Commerce's (the employers') stance? Or did they justify their vote on the need for workers to work very long hours to get a decent salary?

Socialists, my foot.

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