Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What a gross product

I despair as I watch the dumbing down of the Maltese language. People, especially media people, make up mistranslations or even dyslexically pronounced words, and drum them into the nation's psyche. The misspelt, mispronounced or mistranslated expressions, through sheer repetition gain "respectability", and eventually official acceptance by linguistic authorities, for whom apparently anything goes as far as linguistic precision is concerned, since according to them it's the people who define language. Including, I suppose, ignorant people.

Therefore, we now have as semi-officially recognised terms:

"armi ta' qerda tal-massa" - weapons for the destruction of mass, or weapons for destruction of the masses (hmmm, I'd better not comment on this one...). It should be "armi ta' qerda massiva", but the Maltese media will of course keep going on about the destruction of mass.

Instead of 'gross domestic product', we have 'domestic gross product' ("prodott gross domestiku - that's what everybody says"). In vain do I point out that it should be 'prodott domestiku gross'. They insist on their beloved domestic gross product. Maybe they are referring to the way the Maltese language is being spoken domestically...

And how about the entire generation of youngsters that was taught, at school, to mispronounce and misspell 'delfin' - dolphin? There actually was a textbook for the teaching of the Maltese language, which proudly bore the dyslexically spelt title "ID-DENFIL" - the dophlin. AAAARGHH!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Agree 100%.

