Sunday, November 30, 2008

Monschau, Germany - 30 November 2008

Nestled at the bottom of a valley, close to the Belgian border of Germany, lies a pretty little town called Monschau. On the first Sunday of the 2008 advent, we took heed of several recommendations to go visit this place, and we were not disappointed. From this weekend they have their Weihnachtmarket - the Christmas market - complete with food stalls, toy stalls, souvenir stalls, and our favourite, the gluhwein (mulled wine) stalls. I tried out a traditional gluhwein, and an orangepunsch, both of which were delicious. We rounded up the morning with lunch at Restaurant Flosdorff - good inexpensive food, friendly service, warm atmosphere and a toy to keep the young wild one quiet, which was a great improvement on his previous few hours' rebellious and uncooperative behaviour. The whole ambience was rendered perfect by snow from previous days and a snow shower after lunch, including a drive back into Belgium through a snowbound forest. Lovely experience!

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