Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Excusing oneself

Today a Radju Malta disc jockey apparently turned up late for his programme, and apologised by informing his listeners "Niskuża ruħi talli ġejt tard, għax weħilt fit-traffiku, ..."

Hmm. I accept my own apology to myself for being late, because I was held up in the traffic.

"Nitlobkom tiskużawni talli ġejt tard" would have been much more in order.

Vox clamat in desertum. On the airwaves, everyone is accepting their own apology to themselves, all the time. "Niskuża ruħi" here, "niskużaw ruħna" there. Every time you happen to hear these expressions on the radio, I could very well at that moment be listening, somewhere, and silently fuming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jiena wkoll dejjem dejqitni din ...

Pero' darba xi hadd kien qalli illi it-tifsira ta' "niskuza ruhi" hija .....

On behalf of myself, I apologize for being late ...

Niskuza (lil) ruhi ...

Ivan Attard