Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dare we hope?

I don't remember the election of any country's leader that was greeted with such world-wide enthusiasm. I would consider the election of Barack Obama as the biggest political event since the fall of the Berlin Wall. I can suggest a few reasons for the present "Obamania":

1. The world is crying out for a leader who has charisma. We are bored silly of the various grey Merkels, Putins, Berlusconis, Gordon Browns and Barrosos of this world. Sarkozy is just a prima donna. Zapatero was one of the few steps in the right direction.

2. I have used this expression before, but I like it, so I'll use it again. The collective sigh of relief as we see the end of the Bush presidency will probably be heard from the other side of the galaxy.

3. Obama is the antithesis of George W. Bush. He radiates optimism and good will, and this is spilling across the Atlantic as well as the Pacific. He transmits a sense of involvement to the common people. He wants us to work together to create a better world. It's so refreshing to have a leader who is inspired by positive values, to which the people can relate - a beacon of hope in a world that seemed to have forgotten the meaning of the word "hope".

4. We may now dare hope that America will "change" (Obama's clarion call) from an arrogant sheriff to a strong, friendly partner. Certainly, Bush represents all that the rest of the world dislikes of America, while Obama is its friendly, likeable face.

5. The fact that Obama is black (well, sort of, he definitely isn't white) has finally laid to rest the taboo about race. The white majority of the USA has no qualms about electing a black leader. On the contrary, they fell over each other to put him into the White House. Effectively, as far as American electors are concerned, race is no longer a big deal. At long last!

I just hope that Obama will live up to the high expectations. And I dearly hope that his security people will make double sure they can ward off any potential madman...

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