Wednesday, November 12, 2008


There's a stately elegance in autumn that never fails to enthrall me. It's so beautiful - an explosion of colour that is nature's swan song, after the abundance of summer, before the imminent onset of the cold, dark bleakness of winter. The light intensity is subdued, the air is silent, in keeping with nature's slowdown, in preparation for a regenerating sleep. I love it!


Anonymous said...

missek issir poeta !

Tonio Privitelli said...

Ajma, hekk għidlu lill-Perit Spiteri. Kien jgħidli meta jikkoreġili l-isforzi tiegħi tal-proġetti tal-arkitettura, "Fejnha l-poeżija??? M'hemm xejn jaħasra!" Kellu raġun ta.