Friday, March 26, 2010

Moviment tad-Dilettanti Moderati u Progressivi

Mela llejla malli xgħelt il-kompjuter nilmaħ email mhux solleċitata - spam - mingħand "The Maltastar Team". Dal-aħħar bdew jimmiraw għalija, qed jaraw fija materjal potenzjali tajjeb biex ningħaqad mal-Moviment ta' Moderati u Progressivi li Saru Jistħu Jgħidu li Huma Laburisti.

"BLACKOUT MONDAY". Anzi t-titlu spellewh sew, ma nafx kif.

Kont se l-aħħar nittikkjah u nassenjah fil-gadget tar-"report spam", ġentilment offrut lili mill-gmail. Imma fettilli ġietni l-kurżità u ddeċidejt li naqrah. Mela ma temminx li kkonvenċewni ningħaqad mal-Moviment! Mela, veru ta!

Le, mhux proprja.

Tal-biki fil-fatt. Biex iħaddmu websajt li suppost trid tikkonvinċi lin-nies jivvutawlhom, l-organu uffiċjali elettroniku tal-"Moviment" li m'għadux partit iqabbdu nies li bilkemm kapaċi jiktbu sentenza li hi waħda sew. Tliet snin oħra dawn iridu jibdew imexxu, mhux websajt, imma lil Malta.

Ara x'kitbuli The Maltastar Team [il-kummenti bil-bold żidthom jien]:

On Blackout Monday we all found out how the 2438 who had their electricity supply cut off in 2009 feel [what's Blackout Monday, and 2438 what?]. This figure is a national disgrace, as was Blackout Monday. How dare the PM boast that the recession is lifting with this appalling human statistic [as opposed I suppose to an animal statistic]? No wonder Joseph Muscat talks so rightly of this human recession [What quality makes a recession human? Maybe it's because it's human that Joseph isn't talking wrongly about it ]. That is not lifting at all [Eh? What? WHAT?].

It is not only this country that was blacked out yesterday. It seems the entire government is, and has been, suffering from a collective blackout as to what is really happening on the ground, how expensive life is, how unsustainable our water and electricity bills are, and how impossibly expensive a trip to the pharmacy has become? [Is this last sentence a question or a statement?]

And it's not just families and individuals who are suffering [no, it's also us recipients of insipid, badly written spam from The Maltastar Team]. A not so grand total [so it's not a lot then?] of 10,657 businesses are more than 45 days late in paying their bills. They owe around 44,000,000 euros to this country, but cannot pay [The fact that they haven't paid doesn't mean that they cannot pay, it's just that they thought the rates would be revised. And by the way, in the plural "euro" remains the same].

This is a government in denial of the collapse of basic services which it has brought about through weak management, or management that has the most blatant conflict of interest. The name Alex Tranter illustrates this [What's so conflicting in the name Alex Tranter? Seems quite a sensible name to have]. He must be glad he is leaving [Why? Maybe he received a hefty electricity bill himself?]. Having improved little of substance. Having overseen a contract given to his boss of 200 million euros? Having to stand near another Minister to explain away another blackout? [Hey, Maltastar Team, a sentence by default ends with a fullstop NOT with a question mark]

Let's now look at how people are reacting to the government's handling of key and essential services to this country. Let's look at the true track record which comes out so clearly in answers to questions tabled in Parliament? [Another question mark. Perhaps they're a bit unsure of themselves...]

A grand total of 51,500 complaints have been received by ARMS, the company which processes water and electricity bills, since its inception last January. [They seem to like the word "grand". Maybe they think it gives the write-up a grandiose aura. Instead, it creates further confusion. Here it feels as if it's used in sarcasm, as if a larger number was expected. If they can't write properly in English, why don't they stick to Maltese? Or can't they do that, either?] Worse around a hundred people a month are now, in 2010 also having their supply cut off [ignorance of punctuation rules renders this sentence into perfect nonsense]. This is before we all get the higher bills! These presumably didn't notice the blackout yesterday. Almost two thousand are trying to pay off their bills in installments. [Logical sequence? What's that?]

Not surprisingly, amidst all this, Gonzi PN chose to tell us this last week that the recession is lifting. How ironic. Instead of this kind of spin which is all about playing with numbers, and does not reflect in any way how bad things are, why doesn't Gonzi PN concentrate on what the people are so worried about?

For such a huge percentage of the population to complain something must be terribly, terribly wrong. [What? Where? Which huge percentage? None have been quoted]

Nobody's salary has gone up to take account of these bills, unless perhaps you are one of the senior executives at the Lotto and Gaming Authority, who we hear, have been awarded bill cushioning increases lately, or you are one of these newly appointed Parliamentary Assistants who are getting an allowance which they can, if they wish use to help them to pay these bills at least.

Mind you since they all voted in favour of the increased bills they probably didn't need this allowance ! [In fact, they also enjoy paying taxes, which is why they haven't outlawed them]

This government is past it's sell by date. Blackout Monday brought this home to even some PN diehards. [It should be "its" without an apostrophe, meaning "belonging to it". With an apostrophe it means "it is". Zero for grammar. Zero for clarity of expression. Go back to school and learn how to write properly, maybe you'll rise above primary school level. By the way, I do agree with you about the sell by date. The only problem is that the alternative would be you - UTTER AMATEURS!]

Ara naqra wkoll min għandna alternattiva biex imexxi 'l Malta minflok l-Arċisqof Gonzi...

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