Friday, September 26, 2008

Job hunting

Joseph Cuschieri has given up his parliamentary seat, "his only source of income", to make way for the Malta Labour Party's new leader, Joseph Muscat

Now, Muscat has "promised" to help Cuschieri find alternative employment "in the private sector or elsewhere". Cuschieri's resignation from parliament was an "altruistic" gesture, showing his love for the party and therefore for the country.
I wonder. From this standpoint, it looks like a gesture of madness. On the MLP's part - they could surely have sacrificed someone else, who is not financially hard up, to make way for the One who Loves Everyone. It was also a jesture of madness on Cuschieri's part, who had legitimately earned his seat in parliament on the strength of the people's votes.
Cuschieri should have told Muscat, "if you wanted to get into parliament you should bloody well have contested the election yourself". But no, The Party comes first and foremost, and no one disobeys Its dictat. Good luck for your job hunting, Mr Cuschieri.

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