Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The swin(e)dle of the century

Swine flu pandemic officially over, according to the World Health Organisation, said the Times of Malta today.

Ah, yes, we may go out and about again, without fearing catching the "deadly" virus that has a lower fatality rate than normal influenza...

The relief!


I loved the following reader's comment: "Over the past decade we've covered cows, birds, pigs...I think the next one should be about horses, sheep or goats. We could give it a catchy name like mad-cow, so that gullible people will be even more impressed as they watch the news updates every evening about this new thing they are being told to fear and waste money on. I was thinking something in the lines of Sheep Armageddon F1H2. News reporters could even do things like say 'Folk, its looking really baaaaaaaaaaaaad so far'. Perfect." (David Captur)

I loved the following reaction to the above comment even more: "You are being most probable sarcastic."

Now was he really, I wonder...? It made my day :-))

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