Aktar ma jgħaddi żmien qed joħroġ ċar kemm sar impossibbli li referee u żewġ assistenti (it-tielet wieħed biex jirrita lill-kowċis biss qiegħed hemm) waħedhom ma jistgħux ilaħħqu mal-pass tal-logħba moderna. Qed naraw dejjem aktar żbalji kruċjali f'ħafna mil-logħbiet. Il-logħob aktar mgħaġġel, l-importanza tar-rebħ, l-isteriżmu esaġerat tal-protagonisti u d-diriġenti qed iġiegħlu lir-referees jitilfu ħafna mil-luċidità, bir-riżultat ta' ammont dejjem jikber ta' deċiżjonijiet ridikoli li jaffettwaw riżultati ta' logħbiet importanti.
Jekk iridu li l-futbol ma jitlifx il-kredibilità tiegħu, ikollha bilfors tiddaħħal it-teknoloġija. U mhux jiġu jgħidulna dik l-ereżija li l-iżbalji tar-referees jagħmlu l-futbol interessanti. Altru li le, anzi l-iżbalji tar-referees qed bil-mod il-mod ikunu r-rovina tal-futbol. X'fiha interessanti li final ta' Champions League tintrebaħ b'gowl minn offside? Ġrat din. X'fiha interessanti li final ta' Champions Cup titrebaħ b'penalti għal fawl żewġ metri barra l-kaxxa? Ġrat ukoll din. X'fiha interessanti li final tat-Tazza tad-Dinja tintrebaħ b'gowl li lanqas biss daħal? Anki din ġrat.
Sinjuri Blatter u Platini. Sur Platini, għandi rispett kbir għal dak li kont tagħmel bħala plejer tant li nqisek probabbli l-aqwa plejer li qatt rajt jilgħab. Sur Blatter, m'għandi l-ebda rispett għal dak li kont u għadek tagħmel... Sinjuri Blatter u Platini, il-futbol sabiħ għax ikun hemm logħbiet eċċitanti, għax ikun hemm azzjonijiet, ġesti atletiċi, salvataġġi tal-goalkeepers u gowls spettakolari. Dawn l-affarijiet il-plejers u l-kowċis huma responsabbli għalihom, mhux ir-referees. Ir-referee qatt u bl-ebda mod ma jista' jagħmel il-logħba aktar interessanti. Ir-referee jista' jkollu żewġ tipi biss ta' impatt fuq logħba - jew wieħed newtrali, jew inkella impatt negattiv, voldieri b'deċiżjonijiet żbaljati li jipproduċu riżultat falz.
Sinjur Blatter u Platini, jekk tridu li l-logħba tal-futbol tibqa' kredibbli trid bilfors tiddaħħal it-teknoloġija biex tgħin lill-uffiċjali tal-logħba. Irid ikun hemm replays għal kull meta r-referee jkollu dubju fuq x'ġara (x'fiha ħażin b'daqshekk? Kemm mingħalihom huma tajbin dawn li jistgħu jiddeċiedu kollox fi kwart ta' sekonda?), u anki numru limitat ta' opportunitajiet biex il-captain jew il-kowċ ikun jista' jikkontesta deċiżjoni, bħal ma jiġri fit-tennis. Wasalna fi stat fejn kważi kull logħba tiġi influwenzata f'direzzjoni jew oħra minn deċiżjoni żbaljata. U dejjem nisimgħu l-ilsna ħżiena ta' nies li ma jafux jieħdu telfa jgħidu li r-referees imbagħbsin. Ejja naqtgħuha darba għal dejjem din għax ħsara biss qed tagħmel. Jippruvaw kemm jippruvaw, ir-referees waħedhom m'humiex ilaħħqu. Tuhom l-għodda ħa jkunu jistgħu japplikaw ir-regoli tal-logħba kif suppost!
U kif qegħdin fiż-żifna, tajjeb nintroduċu xi ftit bidliet fir-regoli:
1. Dal-ħafna tkeċċijiet għal sempliċi fawl jew penalty hemm bżonn jinqatgħu. Fawl fuq l-aħħar raġel fil-każ agħtih penalty. Li tim tħallih bi plejer inqas tispiċċa tħassarha logħba. Penalty ismu miegħu - kważi gowl ċert. Kastig biżżejjed.
2. Agħar minn hekk, il-karti sofor fuq plejer li jkun sofra fawl, imma għax ir-referee injorant jew għajnejh difettużi (jew ma jikkonsultax ir-replay...) ma jindunax li kien penalty u minn fuq lill-plejer iffawljat jeħodlu ismu! Inġustizzja aktar minn hekk...
3. Is-sistema tal-karti sofor u l-iskwalifiki hemm bżonn tinbidel. Għal kull daħla kerha plejer għandu jitkeċċa għal 10 minuti. It-tielet darba jitkeċċa għal kollox. Il-fatt li jitkeċċa għal 10 minuti huwa diżinċentiv mill-ewwel kontra l-fawls koroh. U l-kastig jieħdu dak il-ħin stess. Skwalifiki jingħataw biss għal imġiba gravi, jew fawls partikolarment vjolenti. Il-bqija jekk plejer jitkeċċa l-kastig qed jieħdu dak il-ħin stess, u m'hemmx għalfejn jerġa' jkun skwalifikat logħba oħra.
4. Sostituzzjonijiet isiru bħall-basketball, il-waterpolo u l-ice hockey - kemm iridu u waqt li għaddej il-logħob. Jista' jieħu ħsieb jikkontrollaha r-raba' uffiċjal, għall-inqas ikun qed jagħmel xi ħaġa għall-ġid. U mhux qisha ċerimonja tal-ħatra ta' president sempliċi sostituzzjoni. Hekk jinqata' l-vizzju misħut tas-sostituzzjonijiet waqt l-injury time biex jaħlu l-ħin! U l-waqfien kontinwu fil-logħob sakemm il-plejers sostitwiti jimxu t-tul kollu tal-grawnd... Dawn għandhom ikollhom l-opportunità li jerġgħu jidħlu jilagħbu, ħalli jħossuhom għadhom jagħmlu parti mil-logħba, u mhux daqs li kieku sfaw imkeċċija. Għandhom raġun bħalissa jkunu ddiżappuntati u rrabjati meta jqaċċtuhom ħesrem 'il barra mil-logħba!
5. U x'ingħidu għall-passaġġ tal-ħin, u l-ħela tiegħu? Imma din daqshekk diffiċli biex titħaddem li l-ħin jgħodd biss waqt li jkun għaddej il-logħob? Jitħaddem f'daqshekk sports differenti! Żewġ taqsimiet ta' 30 minuta kull waħda, bil-ħin jieqaf ma' kull waqfien fil-logħob, u daqshekk xeneġġati u brutti figuri biex jinħela l-ħin.
6. Aktar regoli ġodda li hemm bżonn. Ballun ħabat ma jdejk - handsball dejjem. Jekk mhux intenzjonali, paċenzja. Kemm jonqsu kieku l-handsballs "mhux" intenzjonali! Azzjoni ta' attakk jitwaqqaf għal offside f'każ ovvju ħafna biss, il-bqija jekk ikun dubjuż il-logħob jibqa' għaddej, u jekk isir gowl jikkonsultaw ir-replay.
Kemm jista' jkun aħjar il-football. Naqra żiffa ta' arja friska kull ma hemm bżonn, imma naf li aktar hemm ċans tinżel il-borra fid-deżert milli tinħass xi żiffa qalb il-poteri mmuffati tal-FIFA.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Żewġ realtajiet
Dan l-aħħar qed nirrealizza kemm is-soċjetà Maltija qed tgħix żewġ realtajiet paralleli, totalment opposti, inkompatibbli, imma li jibqgħu jeżistu flimkien għax waħda ma tirrikonoxxix l-eżistenza tal-oħra.
Għandna r-realtà konvenzjonali. Malta pajjiż Kattoliku b'valuri tradizzjonali eċċetra eċċetra. L-uniku pajjiż fid-dinja minbarra l-Filippini u l-Belt tal-Vatikan fejn m'hemmx liġi tad-divorzju. Ngħożżu l-għaqda tal-familja, poplu ultra-konservattiv u l-ebda partit ma jissogra jeħodha kontra dan l-istatus quo għax jibża' li jitlef l-elezzjoni li jmiss.
Dik realtà waħda - il-verżjoni uffiċjali u sostnuta bil-qawwa minn min qiegħed fil-poter.
In-naħa l-oħra tal-munita, sadattant, hija eżatt bil-maqlub. Miżżewġin jaqilbuha lil xulxin bl-addoċċ. Separazzjonijiet bl-eluf, koppji mhux miżżewġin jiffurmaw familji ġodda. Bażikament l-oppost totali tar-realtà konvenzjonali. Imma fil-fatt ir-realtà 'konvenzjonali' aktar ma jgħaddi żmien qed jirriżulta ċar li hija biss illużjoni.
U donnu min qiegħed fil-poter għandu interess qawwi li jsostni din il-faċċata. Avolja ssib ħafna minnhom stess li jafu li hija illużjoni, anzi qed jgħixu stil ta' ħajja totalment f'kontradizzjoni mal-ideal tal-valuri tal-familja blablabla. Mhux każ wieħed jew tnejn hemm minn dawn fost in-nies fil-ħajja pubblika. Imma kif kont qed naqra dal-aħħar il-partiti għandhom ftehim taċitu li jagħlqu għajnejhom it-tnejn għal dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet, għax jafu li hemm minnhom fuq iż-żewġ naħat. U sadattant ikomplu jsostnu l-pożizzjoni uffiċjali li tirrifletti s-soċjetà Maltija kif kienet ħamsin sena ilu, soċjetà li spiċċat għal kollox.
Ħlief li mbagħad hemm massa kbira ta' poplu li din ir-realtà ma jridx jirrikonoxxiha. Jaħbu rashom fir-ramel u joħolmu li s-soċjetà Maltija ta' ħamsin sena ilu għadha l-istess, u l-liġijiet li kienu jgħoddu għal dik is-soċjetà għadhom jaqdu tajjeb ir-realtà attwali.
Minħabba din il-massa li ma tridx tammetti li Malta nbidlet, u l-fatt li l-politiċi jibżgħu jifqgħulhom il-bużżieqa li qed joħolmu biha, irriżultat din is-sitwazzjoni ta' skizofrenija u ta' ipokresija sfrenata magħna nfusna.
Il-veru tal-biki.
Għandna r-realtà konvenzjonali. Malta pajjiż Kattoliku b'valuri tradizzjonali eċċetra eċċetra. L-uniku pajjiż fid-dinja minbarra l-Filippini u l-Belt tal-Vatikan fejn m'hemmx liġi tad-divorzju. Ngħożżu l-għaqda tal-familja, poplu ultra-konservattiv u l-ebda partit ma jissogra jeħodha kontra dan l-istatus quo għax jibża' li jitlef l-elezzjoni li jmiss.
Dik realtà waħda - il-verżjoni uffiċjali u sostnuta bil-qawwa minn min qiegħed fil-poter.
In-naħa l-oħra tal-munita, sadattant, hija eżatt bil-maqlub. Miżżewġin jaqilbuha lil xulxin bl-addoċċ. Separazzjonijiet bl-eluf, koppji mhux miżżewġin jiffurmaw familji ġodda. Bażikament l-oppost totali tar-realtà konvenzjonali. Imma fil-fatt ir-realtà 'konvenzjonali' aktar ma jgħaddi żmien qed jirriżulta ċar li hija biss illużjoni.
U donnu min qiegħed fil-poter għandu interess qawwi li jsostni din il-faċċata. Avolja ssib ħafna minnhom stess li jafu li hija illużjoni, anzi qed jgħixu stil ta' ħajja totalment f'kontradizzjoni mal-ideal tal-valuri tal-familja blablabla. Mhux każ wieħed jew tnejn hemm minn dawn fost in-nies fil-ħajja pubblika. Imma kif kont qed naqra dal-aħħar il-partiti għandhom ftehim taċitu li jagħlqu għajnejhom it-tnejn għal dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet, għax jafu li hemm minnhom fuq iż-żewġ naħat. U sadattant ikomplu jsostnu l-pożizzjoni uffiċjali li tirrifletti s-soċjetà Maltija kif kienet ħamsin sena ilu, soċjetà li spiċċat għal kollox.
Ħlief li mbagħad hemm massa kbira ta' poplu li din ir-realtà ma jridx jirrikonoxxiha. Jaħbu rashom fir-ramel u joħolmu li s-soċjetà Maltija ta' ħamsin sena ilu għadha l-istess, u l-liġijiet li kienu jgħoddu għal dik is-soċjetà għadhom jaqdu tajjeb ir-realtà attwali.
Minħabba din il-massa li ma tridx tammetti li Malta nbidlet, u l-fatt li l-politiċi jibżgħu jifqgħulhom il-bużżieqa li qed joħolmu biha, irriżultat din is-sitwazzjoni ta' skizofrenija u ta' ipokresija sfrenata magħna nfusna.
Il-veru tal-biki.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
P.S. on Will Power
My achilles tendon did not appreciate last Sunday's tough workout very much at all. It felt OK at the time, but soon it became very evident that I need to give it a complete rest lasting at least a few days before I can resume training. Too bad... I just hope this will last a week at the most, in which case there will still be enough time to recover and proceed according to plan.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Will power
If I do manage to run a marathon on 9 May - Visè or Prague, the latter depending on having my leave application approved - today's long run of 2h45m will have been a major milestone in the build-up for it.
The past week I had to stop for a couple of days due to a painful achilles tendon, a strain that was probably caused by running in the snow for the past several weeks. I had rested enough to be able to run my standard 10km on Friday, and this morning it was still touch and go if I would be able to run at all, let alone keep up my scheduled 'upgrade' to a 2h45m weekend run.
So I decided not to venture too far from home, just in case the pain suddenly flared up and I might need to abort the run. In fact, for the first couple of minutes it didn't feel like I could go very far... but it wasn't so bad either, and the first out-and-back sortie towards the Overijse bus station, total 30 minutes, went reasonably well. After that I proceeded in the opposite direction, along the main axis of Hoeilaart towards the forest at Groenendaal. I could have gone on into the Foret de Soignes, but the pain was still there so I decided to backtrack again to a safe distance - another 30 minutes gone.
One and three quarter hours still to go. I decided to do my two standard weekday 10km runs, one after the other. The first goes to Overijse, taking the road that leads to Huldenberg, and then runs back home. My heel was holding admirably well, and in fact it was hardly hurting at all. Maybe the pain was camouflaged by various aches that were spreading throughout my leg muscles as I approached the end of the first of these two 10km loops.
This would inevitably be the toughest part of the run. The later part of a long run is always tough on the body. It's here, after all, that the long distance runner gains in endurance. Moreover, today I was increasing the length of the run by another 15 minutes, using leg muscles that were already strained in various parts. It was a risk that I had to take to stay on schedule for Prague (or Visè), and I'm still anxious to find out the consequences the next couple of days.
Normally, at the later stage of a long run, after close to 2 hours running, with each step I'm getting closer to home sweet home. But not today! I was just four minutes away from home, tired and aching, and I still needed to go for a full 10km loop. I could have contented myself with 2 hours and come home to rest, and do a full 2h45m next weekend. I almost did just that. But then I realised that this overwhelming temptation was only due to being close to home. If I'd done my normal 1h23m out and 1h23m back long run, on the way back I would simply keep on running the whole distance until I reached home. So I decided to ignore the fact that with each step I was getting further away from home. It was a supreme act of will power, but it worked! I ran on, all the way to Groenendaal and back, a full standard weekday 10k on tired, aching legs.
To finish off a most difficult run today there was a further 'sting' at the finish, because I still needed to run on for an additional 3 minutes to notch up my 2h45m. I remember thinking that it would be a pity not to go the whole hog, having gone through all that trouble for so many kilometres...
I have mentioned before that, apart from races, here I only chronicle my runs that are remarkable for one reason or another. Today's run certainly qualifies for that description.
The past week I had to stop for a couple of days due to a painful achilles tendon, a strain that was probably caused by running in the snow for the past several weeks. I had rested enough to be able to run my standard 10km on Friday, and this morning it was still touch and go if I would be able to run at all, let alone keep up my scheduled 'upgrade' to a 2h45m weekend run.
So I decided not to venture too far from home, just in case the pain suddenly flared up and I might need to abort the run. In fact, for the first couple of minutes it didn't feel like I could go very far... but it wasn't so bad either, and the first out-and-back sortie towards the Overijse bus station, total 30 minutes, went reasonably well. After that I proceeded in the opposite direction, along the main axis of Hoeilaart towards the forest at Groenendaal. I could have gone on into the Foret de Soignes, but the pain was still there so I decided to backtrack again to a safe distance - another 30 minutes gone.
One and three quarter hours still to go. I decided to do my two standard weekday 10km runs, one after the other. The first goes to Overijse, taking the road that leads to Huldenberg, and then runs back home. My heel was holding admirably well, and in fact it was hardly hurting at all. Maybe the pain was camouflaged by various aches that were spreading throughout my leg muscles as I approached the end of the first of these two 10km loops.
This would inevitably be the toughest part of the run. The later part of a long run is always tough on the body. It's here, after all, that the long distance runner gains in endurance. Moreover, today I was increasing the length of the run by another 15 minutes, using leg muscles that were already strained in various parts. It was a risk that I had to take to stay on schedule for Prague (or Visè), and I'm still anxious to find out the consequences the next couple of days.
Normally, at the later stage of a long run, after close to 2 hours running, with each step I'm getting closer to home sweet home. But not today! I was just four minutes away from home, tired and aching, and I still needed to go for a full 10km loop. I could have contented myself with 2 hours and come home to rest, and do a full 2h45m next weekend. I almost did just that. But then I realised that this overwhelming temptation was only due to being close to home. If I'd done my normal 1h23m out and 1h23m back long run, on the way back I would simply keep on running the whole distance until I reached home. So I decided to ignore the fact that with each step I was getting further away from home. It was a supreme act of will power, but it worked! I ran on, all the way to Groenendaal and back, a full standard weekday 10k on tired, aching legs.
To finish off a most difficult run today there was a further 'sting' at the finish, because I still needed to run on for an additional 3 minutes to notch up my 2h45m. I remember thinking that it would be a pity not to go the whole hog, having gone through all that trouble for so many kilometres...
I have mentioned before that, apart from races, here I only chronicle my runs that are remarkable for one reason or another. Today's run certainly qualifies for that description.
Ipprotestaw ħej, l-użurpaturi. Jippretendu li jiksru r-regoli kollha, jissalvaġġjaw u jibqgħu jagħmlu li jridu bir-referi jħalli kollox għaddej.
1. Samuel iffawlja lill-attakkant tas-Sampdoria li kien tiela' waħdu biex jiskorja. Tkeċċija ġusta.
2. Cordoba ddobba karta safra ġusta wara li ħareġ mill-barriera u mblokka freekick - u pprotestaw ħafna fuq hekk ukoll... - u wara għamel fawl ikrah f'nofs il-grawnd. Karta safra - barra. Forsi ħaseb li jekk ikun urih karta safra tfisser li jista' mbagħad jagħmel li jrid għax mhux se jissogra jurih oħra, peress li plejer tal-użurpaturi.
3. Fil-fatt hekk irraġuna wkoll Milito li fit-tieni taqsima daħal bil-qiegħ taż-żarbun fuq il-qasba ta' sieq Palombo tas-Sampdoria. Ħallielu farrett ta' xi 6 pulzieri. Minflok keċċih ir-referi beża' mill-atmosfera ta' intimidazzjoni maħluqa minn Mourinho u l-użurpaturi sħabu, u taparsi ma rahx. Lanqas biss ħadlu ismu.
Fir-realtà r-referee ffavorihom lill-iscudettati tal-kartun. L-interċettaturi lbieraħ bi tmien plejers kellhom jispiċċawha l-logħba.
Wara kellhom il-wiċċ vili jipprotestaw. Isa, qabbdu lit-Telecom Italia jirrekordjaw xi telefonata biex ipinġuha li r-referi mbagħbas issa wkoll. Jew inkella minflok, għallmu lill-kowċ u lill-plejers li lill-avversarji trid tirrispettahom u li trid iġġib ruħek bħan-nies waqt logħba futbol.
1. Samuel iffawlja lill-attakkant tas-Sampdoria li kien tiela' waħdu biex jiskorja. Tkeċċija ġusta.
2. Cordoba ddobba karta safra ġusta wara li ħareġ mill-barriera u mblokka freekick - u pprotestaw ħafna fuq hekk ukoll... - u wara għamel fawl ikrah f'nofs il-grawnd. Karta safra - barra. Forsi ħaseb li jekk ikun urih karta safra tfisser li jista' mbagħad jagħmel li jrid għax mhux se jissogra jurih oħra, peress li plejer tal-użurpaturi.
3. Fil-fatt hekk irraġuna wkoll Milito li fit-tieni taqsima daħal bil-qiegħ taż-żarbun fuq il-qasba ta' sieq Palombo tas-Sampdoria. Ħallielu farrett ta' xi 6 pulzieri. Minflok keċċih ir-referi beża' mill-atmosfera ta' intimidazzjoni maħluqa minn Mourinho u l-użurpaturi sħabu, u taparsi ma rahx. Lanqas biss ħadlu ismu.
Fir-realtà r-referee ffavorihom lill-iscudettati tal-kartun. L-interċettaturi lbieraħ bi tmien plejers kellhom jispiċċawha l-logħba.
Wara kellhom il-wiċċ vili jipprotestaw. Isa, qabbdu lit-Telecom Italia jirrekordjaw xi telefonata biex ipinġuha li r-referi mbagħbas issa wkoll. Jew inkella minflok, għallmu lill-kowċ u lill-plejers li lill-avversarji trid tirrispettahom u li trid iġġib ruħek bħan-nies waqt logħba futbol.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sad day
What a sad day today for Belgium. Two trains collided head-on during the rush hour at 8:30 this morning in Halle, a pleasant suburban town to the SW of Brussels. The outcome - many passengers dead; the number is still undetermined, an early estimate being about 20. Even as I write this evening, there are people trapped inside the trains that literally drove into each other. People needed to have limbs amputated under the snow to be released from the wreckage. They had just set off from their loved ones at home for a normal day of work. How awfully terrible.
The cause of the accident is yet unestablished. The most likely, as reported in various news bulletins, is that one driver didn't see a red light and kept going.
I only hope it wasn't due to the pig-headed linguistic pride that resulted in several deaths in another train crash a few years ago. That was criminally insane - ignoring the risk of people dying for the sake of a stupid language.
Michael Jackson
I've just been watching a news item, where a lawyer representing the Jackson family is claiming that Michael's doctor, who is currently facing charges of manslaughter related to his patient's death, deliberately murdered Michael Jackson.
I'm astounded. Now why should Michael Jackson's doctor want to kill him? I suppose he was earning good money off him. The way I see it, it was already a miracle that the poor fellow lived to be 50. He was a walking skeleton. It was painful to watch.
Anthony Mifsud
Back in Malta, in the dark days of the Mintoff regime a prison warder was falsely accused of allowing two inmates to escape. He was tortured in the process. He lost his job, his health, his wits. He became an invalid. For many years after Mintoff and KMB were sent packing Mifsud sought compensation for this inhuman treatment from the Maltese government. A few months ago, after much delaying tactics the Maltese courts finally awarded him 180,000 euro in damages. Today the Times of Malta reported that now Mifsud has had to file a judicial letter in the Court, claiming that he was never paid his due.
What an utter shame! This is a government that claims to be inspired by Christian Democratic values. CD values, my arse.
Enrico Preziosi
Enrico Preziosi is president of the Genoa football club. Six years or so ago he was caught red-handed bribing officials from another club to lose so that his Genoa would gain promotion to Serie A. Police agents found a briefcase literally full of cash provided by Mr Preziosi. Genoa did win their game, but were then demoted to Serie C.
This same Enrico Preziosi is now accusing Alex Del Piero, who was yesterday tripped by a Genoa defender as he entered the penalty area, earning a penalty for Juventus, of cheating. Whether he was tripped inside the area or not is irrelevant here - it was the referee's job to check where the offence took place. This accusation of cheating, coming from the scoundrel Enrico Preziosi, is indeed rich.
Bersani and Emilio Fede
It had to be these two political arch enemies, at last, to make me smile this evening. Emilio Fede, a journalist and news director of Rete 4, Berlusconi's most ardent and outspoken supporter in the Italian media, invited Pier Luigi Bersani, leader of the opposition and the Italian ex communists, the Partito Democratico, for a live TV interview on Fede's evening news programme. The discussion was heated, but civil. Both men of diametrically opposite political opinion clearly enjoyed the debate. So did I enjoy watching their repartee, an exhibition of civilised disagreement, the way it should be.
What a sad day today for Belgium. Two trains collided head-on during the rush hour at 8:30 this morning in Halle, a pleasant suburban town to the SW of Brussels. The outcome - many passengers dead; the number is still undetermined, an early estimate being about 20. Even as I write this evening, there are people trapped inside the trains that literally drove into each other. People needed to have limbs amputated under the snow to be released from the wreckage. They had just set off from their loved ones at home for a normal day of work. How awfully terrible.
The cause of the accident is yet unestablished. The most likely, as reported in various news bulletins, is that one driver didn't see a red light and kept going.
I only hope it wasn't due to the pig-headed linguistic pride that resulted in several deaths in another train crash a few years ago. That was criminally insane - ignoring the risk of people dying for the sake of a stupid language.
Michael Jackson
I've just been watching a news item, where a lawyer representing the Jackson family is claiming that Michael's doctor, who is currently facing charges of manslaughter related to his patient's death, deliberately murdered Michael Jackson.
I'm astounded. Now why should Michael Jackson's doctor want to kill him? I suppose he was earning good money off him. The way I see it, it was already a miracle that the poor fellow lived to be 50. He was a walking skeleton. It was painful to watch.
Anthony Mifsud
Back in Malta, in the dark days of the Mintoff regime a prison warder was falsely accused of allowing two inmates to escape. He was tortured in the process. He lost his job, his health, his wits. He became an invalid. For many years after Mintoff and KMB were sent packing Mifsud sought compensation for this inhuman treatment from the Maltese government. A few months ago, after much delaying tactics the Maltese courts finally awarded him 180,000 euro in damages. Today the Times of Malta reported that now Mifsud has had to file a judicial letter in the Court, claiming that he was never paid his due.
What an utter shame! This is a government that claims to be inspired by Christian Democratic values. CD values, my arse.
Enrico Preziosi
Enrico Preziosi is president of the Genoa football club. Six years or so ago he was caught red-handed bribing officials from another club to lose so that his Genoa would gain promotion to Serie A. Police agents found a briefcase literally full of cash provided by Mr Preziosi. Genoa did win their game, but were then demoted to Serie C.
This same Enrico Preziosi is now accusing Alex Del Piero, who was yesterday tripped by a Genoa defender as he entered the penalty area, earning a penalty for Juventus, of cheating. Whether he was tripped inside the area or not is irrelevant here - it was the referee's job to check where the offence took place. This accusation of cheating, coming from the scoundrel Enrico Preziosi, is indeed rich.
Bersani and Emilio Fede
It had to be these two political arch enemies, at last, to make me smile this evening. Emilio Fede, a journalist and news director of Rete 4, Berlusconi's most ardent and outspoken supporter in the Italian media, invited Pier Luigi Bersani, leader of the opposition and the Italian ex communists, the Partito Democratico, for a live TV interview on Fede's evening news programme. The discussion was heated, but civil. Both men of diametrically opposite political opinion clearly enjoyed the debate. So did I enjoy watching their repartee, an exhibition of civilised disagreement, the way it should be.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
"Culture of death"
L-Independent, Pamela Hansen illum:
Le, probabbli kellu f'moħħu l-mijiet ta' Afrikani li jmutu mgħarrqa meta jippruvaw jaqsmu bil-baħar lejn l-Ewropa.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs
Tonio Borg: “Malta needs to fight the ‘culture of death’ prevalent in today’s
society” makes one wonder.
To what culture of death was he referring? Wars?
Terrorism? The death penalty? People dying from starvation and disease because
not enough people care?
Le, probabbli kellu f'moħħu l-mijiet ta' Afrikani li jmutu mgħarrqa meta jippruvaw jaqsmu bil-baħar lejn l-Ewropa.
Friday, February 12, 2010
X'tisħon id-dinja...
Ma nafx. Kultant jiġuni d-dubji. F'Diċembru kellhom il-konferenza ta' Kopenħagen fuq it-tibdil fil-klima waqt li l-Ewropa kienet qed tiffriża, litteralment povri nies imutu bil-kesħa. U t-tibdil fil-klima li kienu qed jiddiskutu ma kinitx il-kesħa, imma s-sħana kkawżata mill-gassijiet li qed inwaddbu fl-atmosfera.
Imma fejnha dis-sħana kollha? Jannar li għadda hawnhekk fil-Belġjum kien l-aktar xahar fi kważi mitt sena, mill-1917 'l hawn eżattament, li kien fih ġranet meta niżlet il-borra. Altru mhix is-sħana. Kuljum kesħa taqsmek, għal ġimgħat sħaħ waħda wara l-oħra. Qażżitna. U x-xitwa ta' qabel ma ċċajtatx lanqas...
Jgħidulek imma s-sajf ara kemm qed tagħmel sħana. Iva, imma x'fiha daqshekk stramba? Nafuha u drajniha din: fis-sajf tagħmel is-sħana. Skoprejna l-Amerka? Meta ma kienx ikun sħun is-sajf?
Ħeqq, nimmaġina ġabru skoss statistika, kejl ta' temperaturi u tal-ħxuna tal-kappa tas-silġ fl-Arktik. Ma nimmaġinax li vvintata dil-biċċa xogħol tad-dinja li qed tisħon. Imma bilfors jidħolli d-dubju. Jekk allura d-dinja qed tisħon u l-klima tinbidel u ġej diżastru fuqna... iva allura mank ingawdu naqra minn xitwa li ma tkunx daqshekk kiefra bħala kumpens?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ranieri għalqilna ħalqna
Ikolli ngħid żbaljajna fuq Claudio Ranieri, meta ddeċidejna, jien fost ħafna oħrajn, li kien hu li jaħti għas-sensiela ta' riżultati ħżiena li kienu qed iġibu l-Juve.
Dis-sena mar mar-Roma, u ġabhom nies.
Mela għaliex mal-Juve ma rnexxiex, u sadattant il-Juve sejrin mill-ħażin għall-agħar? Mid-dehra hemm xi ħaġa mhix qed tikkwadra fil-Juve. Ma kienx Ranieri, u lanqas dawk li ġew warajh: kowċ wieħed wara l-ieħor wara l-ieħor u ħadd minnhom ma jista' jsib irkaptu. Imma jekk mhux it-tort tal-kowċ, allura fejn qiegħda l-problema tgħid...?
Dis-sena mar mar-Roma, u ġabhom nies.
Mela għaliex mal-Juve ma rnexxiex, u sadattant il-Juve sejrin mill-ħażin għall-agħar? Mid-dehra hemm xi ħaġa mhix qed tikkwadra fil-Juve. Ma kienx Ranieri, u lanqas dawk li ġew warajh: kowċ wieħed wara l-ieħor wara l-ieħor u ħadd minnhom ma jista' jsib irkaptu. Imma jekk mhux it-tort tal-kowċ, allura fejn qiegħda l-problema tgħid...?

Monday, February 8, 2010
Keystone Cops
The Times of Malta, today Monday 8 February 2010:
Monday, 8th February 2010 - 14:27CET
Police drop request for names of bands
The police in a statement today said they had not asked to see the lyrics of songs entered for a Carnival activity in Nadur this weekend.
In a statement in reaction to a story in The Sunday Times, the police said they had, through the Mayor of Nadur, asked to see the names of the bands and the titles of the songs so that they could assess the size of the crowd they could expect.
The police said that after reconsidering their decision, they had decided not to insist on its request for the names.
What a ridiculous statement. So, pray, how did the Keystone Cops think they were going to "assess the size of the crowd they could expect", from the titles of the songs? Eh? They should instead have apologized for acting just like the Taliban of Afghanistan. This is what was reported in the same Times of Malta website yesterday. As I write, the news items are still there, although I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually magically disappear altogether:
Sunday, 7th February 2010
Police to vet Nadur carnival song lyrics
Christian Peregin
Rock bands booked to perform during the Nadur Carnival have been asked to submit their planned 'repertoire' to the local council and police in an attempt to eradicate offensive or vulgar lyrics.
The Sunday Times was alerted by a concerned band member who said the council was requesting to vet lyrics before the event. [...]
and this:
Sunday, 7th February 2010 - 16:49CET
Nadur carnival, quo vadis?
[...] Rock bands set to perform in this year's carnival have been asked to submit their planned 'repertoire' to the local council and police in an attempt to eradicate offensive or vulgar lyrics.
Altogether now. A one, a two, a one, two three:
Konna u għadna ngħixu, f'pajjiż tal-Mickey Mouse...
Monday, 8th February 2010 - 14:27CET
Police drop request for names of bands
The police in a statement today said they had not asked to see the lyrics of songs entered for a Carnival activity in Nadur this weekend.
In a statement in reaction to a story in The Sunday Times, the police said they had, through the Mayor of Nadur, asked to see the names of the bands and the titles of the songs so that they could assess the size of the crowd they could expect.
The police said that after reconsidering their decision, they had decided not to insist on its request for the names.
What a ridiculous statement. So, pray, how did the Keystone Cops think they were going to "assess the size of the crowd they could expect", from the titles of the songs? Eh? They should instead have apologized for acting just like the Taliban of Afghanistan. This is what was reported in the same Times of Malta website yesterday. As I write, the news items are still there, although I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually magically disappear altogether:
Sunday, 7th February 2010
Police to vet Nadur carnival song lyrics
Christian Peregin
Rock bands booked to perform during the Nadur Carnival have been asked to submit their planned 'repertoire' to the local council and police in an attempt to eradicate offensive or vulgar lyrics.
The Sunday Times was alerted by a concerned band member who said the council was requesting to vet lyrics before the event. [...]
and this:
Sunday, 7th February 2010 - 16:49CET
Nadur carnival, quo vadis?
[...] Rock bands set to perform in this year's carnival have been asked to submit their planned 'repertoire' to the local council and police in an attempt to eradicate offensive or vulgar lyrics.
Altogether now. A one, a two, a one, two three:
Konna u għadna ngħixu, f'pajjiż tal-Mickey Mouse...
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Les Hivernales de Boitsfort - 20km - 1h26:48
This is where I warmed up for today's 30th edition of Les Hivernales de Boitsfort 20km:
It was much greyer, and more wintry, as the name of the event implies, but the misty charm of Les etangs de Boitsfort was, if anything, even more beautiful.
At three successive participations this has now become the race that I have done most times in Belgium, one more than the Brussels marathon and the Hoeilaart 11,2km.
Various factors combined so that I would achieve an excellent performance today. I'm currently running 2h30m long runs each weekend which, endurance-wise, seems to be the ideal preparation for 20km: enough to give me the stamina to last the distance without getting too tired, but not so long as to render me worn out at the starting line. For several weeks now I've managed to put in a good speed session each midweek. I've also done a mini-tapering phase the week ahead of the race, cutting out the speed session and running for just 6km on Friday.
Then today I happened to hit on the ideal pace. I didn't get involved in the frenetic jostle for space at the crowded beginning, and simply moved along with them while seeking empty spaces. A strong but moderate pace as we entered the Foret de Soignes and the field thinned enabled me to overtake many rivals, and I managed to keep this up for practically the entire race. The Foret de Soignes, sometimes referred to as the 'lung' of Brussels, is my favourite Sunday long run haunt, which is another reason why this is fast becoming one of my favourite races.
At 1h26:48 - 260th out of 925 who finished the race - I finished two and a half minutes faster than 2009, and exactly one minute ahead of 2008.
Overall, it was a great race for me. Thank you, Royal Racing Club Bruxelles. I hope we'll meet again on 6 February 2011 at 10h30, as you have suggested in your email with the unofficial results, received barely 5 hours after the end of the race.
At three successive participations this has now become the race that I have done most times in Belgium, one more than the Brussels marathon and the Hoeilaart 11,2km.
Various factors combined so that I would achieve an excellent performance today. I'm currently running 2h30m long runs each weekend which, endurance-wise, seems to be the ideal preparation for 20km: enough to give me the stamina to last the distance without getting too tired, but not so long as to render me worn out at the starting line. For several weeks now I've managed to put in a good speed session each midweek. I've also done a mini-tapering phase the week ahead of the race, cutting out the speed session and running for just 6km on Friday.
Then today I happened to hit on the ideal pace. I didn't get involved in the frenetic jostle for space at the crowded beginning, and simply moved along with them while seeking empty spaces. A strong but moderate pace as we entered the Foret de Soignes and the field thinned enabled me to overtake many rivals, and I managed to keep this up for practically the entire race. The Foret de Soignes, sometimes referred to as the 'lung' of Brussels, is my favourite Sunday long run haunt, which is another reason why this is fast becoming one of my favourite races.
At 1h26:48 - 260th out of 925 who finished the race - I finished two and a half minutes faster than 2009, and exactly one minute ahead of 2008.
Overall, it was a great race for me. Thank you, Royal Racing Club Bruxelles. I hope we'll meet again on 6 February 2011 at 10h30, as you have suggested in your email with the unofficial results, received barely 5 hours after the end of the race.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Gaffy Gagazza and Gonswelo
Things were getting boring in Lilliput. Nothing whatsoever was happening. The goblins would go out, meet the same goblins, over and over again, walk along the same broken forest paths...
They got on each others' nerves. One goblin invented a story about another goblin. The latter retaliated, with an even more outrageous story, so that within a short while it seemed as if the whole of Lilliput was engulfed in a war of slander and mud-slinging.
Gaffy Gagazza, a posh, sophisticated goblin who eats Imps for breakfast (and claims that the Imps' leader Gasket is an ox), was heavily involved in the battle. In her glog, which is read by one and a half billion goblins every day, she was rather critical of a certain Gonswelo, who recently organised a party for some goblin friends. Quite critical, in fact. She certainly wasn't very complimentary in Gonswelo's regard.
Gaffy became very proud of her one and a half billion readers. What she didn't realise was that these were the equivalent of the crowd of curious onlookers who gather around, sniggering, to watch a brawl between goblins of, shall we say, not very sophisticated upbringing.
They got on each others' nerves. One goblin invented a story about another goblin. The latter retaliated, with an even more outrageous story, so that within a short while it seemed as if the whole of Lilliput was engulfed in a war of slander and mud-slinging.
Gaffy Gagazza, a posh, sophisticated goblin who eats Imps for breakfast (and claims that the Imps' leader Gasket is an ox), was heavily involved in the battle. In her glog, which is read by one and a half billion goblins every day, she was rather critical of a certain Gonswelo, who recently organised a party for some goblin friends. Quite critical, in fact. She certainly wasn't very complimentary in Gonswelo's regard.
Gaffy became very proud of her one and a half billion readers. What she didn't realise was that these were the equivalent of the crowd of curious onlookers who gather around, sniggering, to watch a brawl between goblins of, shall we say, not very sophisticated upbringing.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Sirna qisna l-Inter...
... u aktar fil-baxx minn hekk ma tistax taqa' fil-futbol.
Kull sajf nixtru xi plejers u ottimiżmu m'għola s-sema, se nkaxkru kollox. Jgħaddu ftit ġimgħat, u nkeċċu l-kowċ. F'erba' snin, minn meta d-diriġenti l-ġodda TALBU biex nitwaqqgħu fis-Serie B, kellna lil Didier Deschamps (dam sena), Claudio Ranieri (sentejn), Ciro Ferrara (8 xhur), u issa Alberto Zaccheroni, u dan bid-dikjarar għal sitt xhur biss. Anzi aċċetta. Wara jridu lil Rafa Benitez, li marbut b'kuntratt mal-Liverpool għal xi 4 snin oħra. Għandhom raġun jipprotestaw il-Liverpool. Issa l-isbaħ dan l-unika ħaġa ta' sugu li qatt rebaħ kienet b'ċikkatura, purament diżgrazzja li f'mitt sena oħra ta' futbol qatt ma terġa' tiġri: il-famuża final mal-Milan fejn kellhom jaqalgħu sitta imma minflok spiċċaw 3-3 bil-penalties. Il-league tal-Ingilterra f'xi 20 sena kemm ilu jikkowċjahom qatt ma rebħuħ.
Imma lilu jridu, m'hemmx x'tagħmel, avolja marbut b'kuntratt. Probabbli għax mhux Taljan.
Sadattant Del Piero qed ikompli jurina kemm għadu plejer kbir. L-ewwel qabeż qabża għal rasu fil-kaxxa l-kbira, u r-referee qallu terġax. Imbagħad żelaq minflok ixxuttja, u r-referee vvinta penalty. Kieku jien kont immur fuq ir-referee u ngħidlu li żlaqt. Minflok tgħidx kemm iċċelebra, qisu għamel xi opra kbira għax skorja minn penalty vvintat.
Nistgħu mhux noqogħdu kull darba nibdlu l-kowċ, għax qabel ma neħilsu minn dak l-ankra, li donnu ħadd m'għandu l-kuraġġ jgħidlu jibqa' bil-qiegħda mas-sostituti, indaħħqu n-nies bina se nibqgħu. Eżatt kif kienu jagħmlu ċ-champions tal-ispjunaġġ u tal-iscudetti tal-kartun.
U xi ngħidu mbagħad għal Amauri? Kemm għandu xagħru lixx u sabiħ hu...? U dak Diego, dak x'ikun proprja? U Buffon, min jaf kieku kultant jilqa' xi xutt tgħid?
Zoff, Gentile, Cabrini, Furino, Morini, Scirea, Causio, Tardelli, Boninsegna, Benetti, Bettega. Kowċ: Trapattoni (mhux sena dam dan, imma 10 snin). Dak kien tim. Il-formazzjoni għadni niftakarha bl-amment iktar minn 30 sena wara.
Kull sajf nixtru xi plejers u ottimiżmu m'għola s-sema, se nkaxkru kollox. Jgħaddu ftit ġimgħat, u nkeċċu l-kowċ. F'erba' snin, minn meta d-diriġenti l-ġodda TALBU biex nitwaqqgħu fis-Serie B, kellna lil Didier Deschamps (dam sena), Claudio Ranieri (sentejn), Ciro Ferrara (8 xhur), u issa Alberto Zaccheroni, u dan bid-dikjarar għal sitt xhur biss. Anzi aċċetta. Wara jridu lil Rafa Benitez, li marbut b'kuntratt mal-Liverpool għal xi 4 snin oħra. Għandhom raġun jipprotestaw il-Liverpool. Issa l-isbaħ dan l-unika ħaġa ta' sugu li qatt rebaħ kienet b'ċikkatura, purament diżgrazzja li f'mitt sena oħra ta' futbol qatt ma terġa' tiġri: il-famuża final mal-Milan fejn kellhom jaqalgħu sitta imma minflok spiċċaw 3-3 bil-penalties. Il-league tal-Ingilterra f'xi 20 sena kemm ilu jikkowċjahom qatt ma rebħuħ.
Imma lilu jridu, m'hemmx x'tagħmel, avolja marbut b'kuntratt. Probabbli għax mhux Taljan.
Sadattant Del Piero qed ikompli jurina kemm għadu plejer kbir. L-ewwel qabeż qabża għal rasu fil-kaxxa l-kbira, u r-referee qallu terġax. Imbagħad żelaq minflok ixxuttja, u r-referee vvinta penalty. Kieku jien kont immur fuq ir-referee u ngħidlu li żlaqt. Minflok tgħidx kemm iċċelebra, qisu għamel xi opra kbira għax skorja minn penalty vvintat.
Nistgħu mhux noqogħdu kull darba nibdlu l-kowċ, għax qabel ma neħilsu minn dak l-ankra, li donnu ħadd m'għandu l-kuraġġ jgħidlu jibqa' bil-qiegħda mas-sostituti, indaħħqu n-nies bina se nibqgħu. Eżatt kif kienu jagħmlu ċ-champions tal-ispjunaġġ u tal-iscudetti tal-kartun.
U xi ngħidu mbagħad għal Amauri? Kemm għandu xagħru lixx u sabiħ hu...? U dak Diego, dak x'ikun proprja? U Buffon, min jaf kieku kultant jilqa' xi xutt tgħid?
Zoff, Gentile, Cabrini, Furino, Morini, Scirea, Causio, Tardelli, Boninsegna, Benetti, Bettega. Kowċ: Trapattoni (mhux sena dam dan, imma 10 snin). Dak kien tim. Il-formazzjoni għadni niftakarha bl-amment iktar minn 30 sena wara.
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